Development and Clinical Translation of Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) Technology for Treating Biliary Tract and Pancreatic Cancers

  • Doctorat
  • Paris
Nom de l'entreprise / du laboratoire: Sorbonne Université - LPP (Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas)
Adresse web:
Encadrant: Thierry Dufour
Date de début: octobre 1, 2024
Durée: 36 mois

Biliary tract cancer (BTC) and Pancreatic cancer (PC) represent significant clinical challenges due to their poor prognosis and high mortality rates. Despite the availability of surgical and chemotherapeutic interventions, the therapeutic outcomes remain unsatisfactory. This doctoral project aims to develop, characterize, and standardize an innovative cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) technology for the treatment of BTC and PC, leveraging its potential to selectively target cancerous tissues while minimizing damage to healthy cells. The project is part of a European consortium including Greece and Cyprus.

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