You do not know what a plasma is ? Do not worry, we will give you some information to better understand this complex and fascinating environment !
A plasma can be seen as the fourth state of matter, but already we evoke a controversial subject! It is a gas to which enough energy is transmitted to be ionized and become an electrical conductor. Plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe (99% of the universe), but it is not naturally present on Earth.

Artificial plasmas are used in a very large and varied number of industrial applications and constitute a dynamic and multidisciplinary research topic. You will find more information in the career opportunities section.

You would like more information ? Below is a selection of links and documents (mainly in french!).
Articles de référence issus des Techniques de l’ingénieur :
- “Gaz ionisés et plasmas”, Pierre Fauchais (ref AF3560 v1)
- “Gaz ionisés et plasmas”, Jean-Loup Delcroix (ref D320 v1)
- “Plasmas froids de décharge – Applications et diagnostic”, Anne-Marie POINTU, Jérôme PERRIN, Jacques JOLLY (ref D2835 v1)
- “Plasmas thermiques : aspects fondamentaux”, Pierre FAUCHAIS (ref D2810 v1)