The french plasma science community is very active and this results into many structures.
Here are some references to go further:
This network is attached to the Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires (MITI) of the CNRS, with the participation of laboratories from several CNRS institutes.
It is composed of Engineers, Technicians, Researchers, Teachers and PhD students coming from public research laboratories. They are all passionate about the field of cold plasmas, whether for its production, its characterization (experimental and numerical) or for the development of applications. The cold plasma network allows to broaden one’s knowledge and skills within a large community of more than 500 members.
Latest news from the network
The Groupements de Recherche (GdR for Research Groups) are ephemeral structures (5-10 years) set up by the CNRS. The Research Group “Etude des Milieux Ionisés : Cold Plasmas created by discharge and laser was created in 2020. It brings together 300 researchers from 40 laboratories.
Its objective is to structure and federate the “Cold Plasmas and Lasers” community, to rebuild a pool of young researchers (docs/post-docs) specializing in Plasmas and Lasers, to promote exchanges and collaborations, to constitute a clear, strong and united community at the international level.
The Plasma Physics Division of the French Physical Society brings together the community of physicists in the three main fields of plasmas (natural, hot or fusion, cold or industrial).
The mission of the Association Arc Electrique (AAE for Electric Arcs Association) is to contribute to the improvement of knowledge on the phenomena of electric arc and, thus, to the improvement or emergence of equipment or industrial processes that use it.