The French community working in the field of cold plasmas (both on the study of plasmas and on their uses for different applications) is very active. It brings together more than fifty laboratories, more than 500 people in the academic field (researchers, teachers, post-docs and PhD students) and many industries. The structure of this community is carried out through the Réseau Plasmas Froids of the CNRS, the EMILI Research Group (Study of cold plasma ionized media created by discharge and laser) or the Plasmas division of the French Physical Society. Nevertheless, there is a need for structuring and dissemination of information at the level of the training offer in the field of plasmas and offers of internships, thesis, post-doctorate and employment in the industrial environment.

Thus, the objective of this website is to make the link between students, researchers, teachers and industries to facilitate the dissemination of information on existing training and centralize offers.

Anyone can come and post an offer (internships, thesis, post-doctorate and employment in the industrial environment) and then have access to manage their offer(s). The offers will then be validated and accessible in the list and via the search engine. Training managers in the field of plasmas or dealing with plasmas can also contact us to add information on their training(s).

This website is set up and managed by two members from the cold-plasma community: Cathy Rond (ex-LSPM – Villetaneuse) and Nicolas Naudé (LAPLACE – Toulouse).